Wednesday, June 26, 2013


La dernière semaine du mois de mai, nous avons eu le rendez-vous d’Henry Urrego, oncle d’Andrés Camilo Libreros de 9è. Henry,  qui habite en France, depuis 20 ans, a partagé avec nous son expérience de vie pour l’Europe, comme a été son apprentissage des langues et quelques stratégies pour améliorer le Français à Portales. Il a proposé de faire un cours d’allitération (virelangue dans le langage familière) pour pratiquer un peu la prononciation et la phonétique françaises.  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Romeo and Juliet 9th

The students from 9th performed their own version of Romeo and Julieth as their project during reading class.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

E.S.L Classes at C.L.P 2013

10th Grades 
As an English Second Language teacher, I created a blog to gather all the projects made by the students in their classes at Los Portales School.

9th Grades

The main target is to promote what they have done; how they have used the language to express themselves using several strategies.

11th Grades

I'm very proud of what my students have done. I'm proud to be a teacher, to be their teacher. I can not picture myself doing something different from teaching languages.